At American Pet Rescues, inc. our purpose is to educate children and adults on what a wonderful thing it is to adopt a needy animal and carry this through their life, inspiring other children and adults to rescue. Through this education of adoption, we can promote the humane treatment of animals and decrease the number of animals euthanized each year.
Our ultimate goal is to build an animal rescue center where we can rescue animals and continually educate children and adults, building a community where people value animals and treat them with respect and kindness. To achieve the goal of an animal adoption center, we are starting an online non-profit business to fund the construction of the rescue center and its daily operating expenses through the accumulating profits of the sales and continuing its educational goals.
We are currently looking for acreage and funding for the shelter. However, here is an architectural rendering of how the American Pet Rescues Center is going to look. We are happy to accept donations towards our goal.
American Pet Rescues is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
© American Pet Rescues, Inc. 2024